Friday, August 24

~PATTERNS AND TEXTURES in Assassin's Creed

Painting texture and patterns. Personal picture by Jay Perry. 24 August 2012


Patterns are a series of repeating shapes such as the ones on Ezio's clothes.

Assassin's Creed 2. N.d. Photograph. blogspot.comWeb. 24 Aug 2012. <>.  


Texture is the consistency of a surface. Almost everything in a video game such as Assassin's Creed has a texture to it.

Assassin's Creed. 2012. Photograph. starmedia.comWeb. 24 Aug 2012. < Creed4.jpg>. 


WHen something is tactile, it appeals to the sense of touch. An example of this would be the wood supports that hold up the building in this screenshot.

Assassin's Creed 3 Screenshot. 2012. Photograph. n.p. Web. 24 Aug 2012. <>.  

~SHAPES in Portal 2

painting a shape. personal photograph by jay perry. 23 August 2012

Volume and Mass

Volume and Mass is when a 2d object shows the properties of a 3d object such as the  Aperture Science Weighted Storage Cube from Portal 2 shown in the picture.

 Valve Corp. Portal 2 test mechanic. N.d. Photograph. ImageshackWeb. 23 Aug 2012. <>.
Positive and Negative Shape 
Positive and Negative shape is the location of shapes to organize the empty space into various other shapes.  A good example of this is the Portal 2 logo.
Portal 2 Logo. 24 Aug 2012. Photograph. forbes.comWeb. 24 Aug 2012. <>.  


Distortion is the exaggeration of shape. The portals above are a good example of this because they distort both the walls that they are put onto and also reality.

24 Aug 2012. Photograph. gawkerassets.comWeb. 24 Aug 2012. <>.  

Monday, August 20

Types of Lines in Left 4 Dead

Actual Line:
I chose this picture from Left 4 Dead because they have very nice examples of an actual line such as the Hunter's arm, and the train tracks.

Left 4 Dead . 20 Aug 2012. Photograph. bulk2.destructoid.comWeb. 20 Aug 2012. <>.

Implied Line:
I chose this screen capture from Left 4 Dead 2 because it illustrates the most basic example of an Implied Line with the use of lights as a pathway for your eye to follow.

Left 4 Dead 2. 20 Aug 2012. Photograph. www.videogamesblogger.comWeb. 20 Aug 2012. <>.

Psychic Line:
I chose this image because in a first person shooter such as Left 4 Dead, when you're shooting a gun, there isn't an  actual line pointing from your gun to your target. Instead, there is a psychic line that our eyes follow to help us aim as illustrated above.

Left 4 Dead 2. 20 Aug 2012. Photograph. media.giantbomb.comWeb. 20 Aug 2012. <>.

Saturday, August 18


Painting a line. Personal picture by Jay Perry. 8 August 2012